The Campaign To Protect Women recognizes the value of every human life, born and unborn. Women have the unique and miraculous role of carrying new life. As such, our laws and policies must promote and protect the dignity of women and their maternal role in society. Children need the guidance and protection of their parents. Our laws and policies must promote and protect the parent/child relationship.

Pregnant women deserve the dignity of receiving safe, compassionate, quality medical care that respects them and their unborn children. Women deserve the dignity of public policy that recognizes their physical differences from men and protects them in all aspects of life.

While abortion through birth for any reason is permitted by law in Maryland, we affirm that women and girls deserve better. We oppose abortion because it pits women against their children, telling pregnant mothers that violence against their unborn child may be necessary to flourish. Abortion fosters a culture of abuse and sexual exploitation.

If passed, this amendment will further degrade human relationships. It will change the concepts of male/female, parent/child, family and the role society plays in the family structure. The new amendment will create new and unlimited rights for all individuals, regardless of age. Males will continue to invade women’s spaces by exercising their right to declare themselves females. Minor children will be able to consent to drugs and procedures related to the reproductive system and reproductive anatomy.

Protect women. Preserve the family. Preserve parental rights.

Vote AGAINST amending the Maryland Constitution in November 2024.